Premier Weight Loss Coaching in St Albans, Herts

Lose Weight Gain Strength Feel Better

Elevate Your Lifestyle, Embrace Sustainable Change

Mark's Services

Empower your goals with Sustainable Change Coaching

personal training

Whether you’re starting your fitness journey or seeking to break through a plateau, Mark’s Personal Training at Sustainable Change Coaching is designed for you.

I create a supportive and motivating atmosphere that encourages progress at your pace, helping you achieve improved strength, endurance, and overall well-being effectively.

Online Training

Whether you’re a frequent traveller, a busy professional, or simply prefer the convenience of working out at home, Mark’s Online Training at Sustainable Change Coaching is designed for you.

I create a dynamic and supportive virtual environment that encourages progress at your pace, helping you achieve your fitness goals effectively.

Nutrition Coaching

Whether you’re looking to lose weight, improve energy levels, or address specific health concerns, Mark’s Nutrition Coaching at Sustainable Change Coaching is designed for you.

I create a supportive and educational atmosphere that empowers you to make sustainable changes, leading to improved well-being and a healthier life.

Here's my guarantee:

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Mark Ludlow’s Sustainable Change Coaching for weight loss offers a holistic approach tailored to achieving and maintaining a happy and healthy weight, emphasising long-term success and overall well-being.

Mark’s coaching method acknowledges that one-size-fits-all plans, quick fixes, and extreme regimes are often short-lived and ineffective for lasting change.

Instead, he concentrates on fostering enduring lifestyle transformations for his clients, through behaviour modification, nutrition education, exercise, mindset development, and continuous personal support, aiming for the best possible outcomes.

Are you ready to leave behind the monotony of traditional gyms? 

Experience the vibrant and supportive environment crafted by Mark Ludlow at Sustainable Change Coaching!

Life Changing Results

My Clients' Success Stories Speak For Me

My experience with Mark has been fantastic! I have lost 30 lbs but also got stronger. What is unique about Mark and his approach is his person centered approach, from a nutrition plan to the programming of workouts. He also knows how to push beyond what I think is possible but not push too far. He is focused on helping achieve results but in a friendly, supportive and non-judgmental manner.

— Curtis Irwin

Mark is an amazing personal trainer. Not only does he customise every workout, but his nutritional knowledge has really helped me develop my own understanding of food and what I should be eating to reach my goals. He makes every session fun and his positive attitude and encouragement helps me through each one! Thank you Mark.

— Zoe Bowman

Based on 89 reviews
Carly Pledge
Carly Pledge
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
One of the nicest guys I've ever met.. Mark Ludlow. A month ago my dad ended up in hospital with a fractured skull and bleeds on the brain. He's still in there today and very up and down. I've also been in my busiest ever period at work, my best friend has had life changing health news and someone else very close has fallen back into alcoholism. To say I've been stressed and overwhelmed is an understatement. Traditionally my vice during challenging times was to lean on food/alcohol. But his coaching has completely changed this for me. Mark has been my PT/nutritionist through all of this, but those titles really don't give him justice to the impact he has had. Not only have I lost weight, got stronger and developed a better relationship with food, but I have been handled with more grace, care and empathy than I could have imagined. Mark is one of life's great guys and deserves for more people to know who he is. For anyone considering investing in a PT/nutritionist or life coach I couldn't recommend Sustainable Change Coaching highly enough. Thank you Mark 🙏
Matt Newman
Matt Newman
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When I was searching for a PT. Mark stood out due to his story and transformation. After speaking to Mark, it was clear he gets “it”! He wants to help achieve a sustainable change for his clients and so far his methods are certainly working. The training sessions are varied and enjoyable and his support is incredible. Although I originally was just looking for a PT, I’m so glad I found Mark as he’s helped educate and change my mindset towards training, weight loss and lifestyle change. Mark is friendly, knowledgeable, understandable and a great listener. I would highly recommend Mark to anyone looking to make a change in their life.
David Hnyda
David Hnyda
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
It’s really difficult to put into words the profound impact that working with Mark has had on my life. After the strains of work and children had dominated my life for a couple of years, I had become overweight with terrible eating / drinking habits and zero motivation to train or do anything about it. Every time I managed to train, it hurt because I was so overweight and ultimately my eating was so poor that no amount of training was going to rectify my weight anyway! Mark was recommended to me by a friend and after 2 consultations it was very clear that he was different to the rest of the PT community. He took time to understand my mentality, my drivers, my likes and dislikes and he factored them all into the programme. If I’m honest at that point I was still skeptical what he could do for me that I couldn’t do for myself. However, I’m so so glad I stuck with it and committed to a 4 month programme with Mark. I still don’t know how he’s done it, but his unique mix of technical PT skills, emotional support, nutrition advice and direct feedback have been everything I needed … and more. He’s made me realise the importance of being in it for the long term and finding coping strategies for all of my unique dietary and fitness triggers! After 4 months I’m 3 stone lighter, I’m enjoying running and cycling again and I’ve even started to enjoyed weights and the gym again (I hate weights and the gym). My blood pressure is back in the normal range and even my smallest clothes are now baggy on me!! In summary, committing to a programme with Mark has truly changed my life, it was the first step to losing the weight that was making me mentally miserable and the first step to losing the weight that was stopping me being physically robust! I cannot recommend highly enough!
susan marmot
susan marmot
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
I have found Mark's programme to do be exactly what it says -be sustainable. I have been working with Mark for a bit more than half a year. Initially he educates you around food, I have done so many programs and diets but I still learnt so much. I was allocated my weekly calories and with this new understanding about foods I found that to be so manageable. For me the dream was having no food off the table. I was so fed up with having to give up food groups or never being able to have treats. This worked for me so if I wanted a take away or some chocolate I would factor it in to my weeks calories and eat really healthy in the week and treat myself at the weekends. I had so many weddings and special occasions to go to over the summer and i was able to make this work overall. I am still about 8 pounds down without feeling deprived and I have been able to enjoy my summer. Mark is dedicated to what he does and he was recommended to me by someone else whose body had transformed with his method. I am delighted and I feel good and energised . I eat loads of protein and loads of fruit and veg and treats when I want. I feel so much better I am now exercising nearly every day of the week which I cannot quite believe. Mark has 'walked the walk' himself regarding weight loss so he understands what is needed. I have been delighted with his programme and still have his support, sending him my food diaries and checkins . Before coming across this programme I had practically given up on the idea that i could weigh less and stick to it after so many previous attempts but this has worked for me and `i believe it will be sustainable.
Laura Francis
Laura Francis
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I found Mark's details after searching for a local personal trainer. I was on a mission to lose weight (yet again) and needed someone to focus and support me. Mark was quick to respond and offered clear and concise information about what his role entails and how he supports people through their weight loss journey, which was so much more than the personal training I was originally looking for! After over 20 years of being bombarded with diet culture, attending every 'slimming club' available, completing extensive exercise programmes and trying to self navigate my own personal battle with eating disorders I was feeling completely deflated and lost. Nothing worked, I still gained weight and fell into yo-yo dieting, this is where Mark has transformed my life. I originally went in expecting to be given an exercise programme with 1:1 sessions but I was offered so much more. After having an in depth consultation with Mark he approached me with a few choices of how we could proceed. Due to my history we decided that sessions surrounding nutrition education with supporting life coaching was the best route and I can honestly say it's changed my life. Mark is patient, understanding, relatable, supportive, knowledgeable, kind and compassionate. When talking through my history he has shown empathy and patience allowing me share my story and supporting me through this whole process. He has provided me with nutritional education that has empowered me to make sustainable and achievable life style changes which have in turn helped me to lose weight and focus on my health. Through the personal plan created by Mark we found that I didn't actually need a personal trainer but a journey of support and education that has transformed my life and built my confidence to make decisions about nutrition going forward. This has been the journey I never knew I needed, it's been emotional but I'm glad Mark has been there for every step of the way.
Warren Hochfeld
Warren Hochfeld
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Mark has changed my life. He has empowered me to make informed, sustainable, and long-lasting changes to my diet and given me the tools I need to feel confident in the gym. He has really helped me change the way I eat. I am no longer obsessing about food and just eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full. This gives me more time to do things that make me happy. He really cares and goes above and beyond. It is like training with a best friend you have known for years, and each session is fun so you will keep coming back for more. I am so lucky to have found him and I would recommend him to anyone looking to get control of their weight
Charlotte Frost
Charlotte Frost
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I have worked with Mark for 16 using the the Gold package. Mark enabled me to feel more confident within myself aswell as my gym abilities. Mark created a bespoke workout routine for myself along with providing a lifestyle changing diet service to help aid with fat loss and understanding the benefits of the various food groups. The diet and workouts are something that i struggled with feeling motivated for prior to meeting mark, these both are now something I’m able to continue having finished my course with mark. Working with mark every week was fun and easy. He is a very approachable, kind PT who provided a non judgemental environment which made the whole process easier. Mark was available throughout the week for any extra advice whether it was regarding diet or exercise.
Peter Noble
Peter Noble
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Quite simply, life-changing. And Mark has given me the tools to continue. I cannot recommend Mark Ludlow highly enough.
Peter Noble
Peter Noble
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Quite simply, life-changing. Cannot recommend Mark Ludlow highly enough.
Zac Noble
Zac Noble
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Incredible. As someone with dyspraxia it was very helpful to have a personal trainer who was not only very accommodating, but had past experience with dyspraxic clients. The entire process felt very personalised and incredibly helpful in not only achieving my short term goals, but also sustaining my lifelong goals too.


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